Contest! Win Dr. McDougall's Soups
I had the opportunity to try the newest offering from Dr. McDougall's: Ready to Serve Soup.1 person will win a box containing a soup of each of the 7 new flavors (a box is 2 servings). If you are the selected winner, I will request your address, which I will forward to the company, and then they will ship you the soups. No catches (no spam)!
Here are 6 of the new flavors:

So far we have tried the vegetable and the roasted pepper tomato soups. They were both delicious, better than most of the canned soups we usually eat. The vegetable soup had nice-sized chunks of a variety of vegetables. The roasted pepper tomato had just a little kick that made it feel like a grown-up version of classic tomato soup. I especially like that the soups clearly state that they are vegetarian, so I wouldn't have to read through the ingredient list, or hope that "natural flavors" are meat-free!
Rules for contest entry:
US Entries Only!!
(1) You may enter 1 time per household. If you are a minor, be sure to check with a parent or guardian first.
(2) To enter leave a comment on this post. The comment needs to answer the two following questions:
- What is something you like about these soups or the company? Visit Right Foods, and find a positive nutrition, packaging, environmental, or other fact that makes you happy about trying these soups. Although a unique fact is not required to enter, they are certainly appreciated!
- How many dinners a week do you (or your significant other) cook at home (even lazy dinners count)?
(4) Entries will be accepted through midnight 11/30/2009.
(5) 1 winner will be selected at random from all eligible entries. Winner will be contacted by email and given 72 hours to respond with a mailing address. If the first selected winner does not respond in that time, an alternative winner will be picked.
Good luck, everyone!
32 comment(s):
These all sound wonderful. It is always hard to find easy soups to make. I use the Crockpot a lot, but this will be a wonderful 'lazy' change! Thank you!
Partly Cloudy Knitter, at
5:39 PM
they sell sampler packs and I cook dinner 7 nights a week!!!
costana, at
3:56 AM
I've been a fan of the McDougall big cup soup for years - so convenient and easy to stash in a drawer at work. These new soups sound delicious and nutritious - perfect for the cold months ahead! As for how many nights a week my husband and I cook dinner - probably around 5-6. The other nights we go out or order something in.
Ami, at
7:53 AM
I am definitely excited about the yummy vegetarian flavors and am excited to try them.
We eat at home nearly every night, cooking something new probably 4 times a week and eating leftovers or prepared foods the rest of the time.
Emily, at
8:25 AM
I love that the roasted red pepper tomato soup is less than 100 calories per serving. I do all the cooking in my house....7 nights a week and I have been trying to get my husband to do more vegetarian meals with me. This would be awesome.
Anonymous, at
9:26 AM
the roasted red pepper tomato soup looks awesome and less than 100 calories. I cook dinner every night at home. This would help save time
Anonymous, at
9:29 AM
He and his wife have authored 10 best selling books. Thanks for the chance.
sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com
Ellen C., at
1:34 PM
These soups are Easy To Prepare - no can opener needed and heart healthy. I prepare dinner 7 nights a week.
Anonymous, at
8:54 PM
• I didn't know how much more it takes to move cans vs cartons.
• Non-sandwich or something-from-a-can dinners only happen about 3 times a week. I work the night shift and rarely seem to be awake enough to cook before-hand.
The roasted pepper tomato sounds tasty. Oh, who am I kidding, they all sound great!
Lim, at
9:42 PM
These soups sound good!
Maryea, at
12:09 AM
I love how McDoual's soups are completely vegan, and still are full of protein. The soups also taste great. I try to cook at home 3-4 times a week, but working late makes it tough.
Lindsay, at
1:22 PM
I love the fact that even the paper on the packaging is from certified managed forests ontop of selling some very yummy tasting, filling, and did I mention HEALTHY soups! :)
We eat at home's frugal and it's healthy! A lovely combination this day and age! But...My husband sure does love Taco Bell. God love him...I'm trying to pull him over to my side! :)
Great giveaway!
Jessica, at
4:51 AM
I like the fact I can read and know the ingredients contents. Not a long listing of chemicals.
The wife and I cook at home about five nights/week.
Michael, at
10:42 AM
I have heard so many great reviews about these soups! I love the fact that they are wholesome and natural :)
Healthy Eating,
Tasha - The Clean Eating Mama, at
3:51 PM
I love that the ingredients are all natural, and there aren't any chemicals.
I usually cook dinner 5 or 6 nights a week.
Beth, at
8:41 PM
i love that they're all vegetarian...
i cook about 6 dinners/week
Anonymous, at
9:51 PM
I appreciate that they are all vegan and that they use paper packaging. We cook at home at least 5 nights/week. MOST of our meals are lazy meals.
Unknown, at
8:49 PM
What do I like about soups/DrMRightFoods? Well, I've tried several of their dried soups/cereals, and while not all are winners, all are VEGAN and NUTRITIOUS, so they help me get my veggie/fiber nutritional needs without weird additives.
I'm a lazy dieter, so I try to NOT cook :), and I'd say I make maybe 3 dinners at home, and the rest are takeout or delivery or convenience foods heated up. I know, I know, I need to cook more.
My email is OnceUponADiet atsy gmail dotsy com.
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity. I'd itching to try the ready to serve ones.
PrincessDieter, at
9:43 AM
I love the fact that the Lentil soup has no Bisphenol A.I cook dinner about 5 nights a week.
Missybeez, at
10:14 AM
Yay! I love finding new vegetarian blogs, I'm rather new to this (less than a year). I've only had a few things from this line, but I really liked the convenience of the soup cups.
I usually cook about 5 times a week, the other 2 nights we'll order a pizza or go out, because sometimes we get too busy to cook or just can't make it home in time for dinner.
okiyardsale (AT) yahoo (DOT) com
Brianna, at
10:24 PM
i love that these soups are filling AND low-cal AND veg-friendly! way too many soups use chicken and beef broth — blech! so happy i found your blog!
Amanda, another priorfatgirl, at
6:08 PM
i like the convenience of the soups as well as the healthy ingredients that go into them. i cook about 4 nights a week.
Anonymous, at
9:06 PM
I really like the packaging! The colors are pretty, and it's understated, and the photos are great. I'm talking about you, Mr. Roasted Pepper Tomato!
celyn, at
6:55 PM
I like the fact that these soups are natural, vegan, and packaged responsibly in easy to open containers. In this economy, and to eat better, we only eat out 2-3x a week, mostly lunch, mostly ethnic foods that I'm not so adept as cooking myself.
Linda aka
Linda, at
9:14 AM
With being a Stay at home Mom, I typically cook dinners six nights of the week. I have never tried these soups before but I really like the fact that they are all natural and low in Calories. Thanks for a great giveaway :)
Veronica, at
7:46 PM
The soups are BPA-free and easy to fix in the crockpot- I cook every night- occasionally we go out maybe 2x a month
Jblanton, at
12:08 PM
This soup plus some fresh bread makes for the perfect winter meal. My partner and I cook together at least 5 times a week, and in the winter, we are soup junkies!
AimeeQ, at
3:28 PM
I want to invite you to enter in my Arbonne Giveaway I posted on my blog. Come check it out!
Brandi, at
8:50 PM
I absolutely love these soups! So easy to prepare and surprisingly flavorful. My favorite is the black bean soup, and I sprinkle some cheese on top!
the savvy soybean, at
11:31 AM
oh my! soup=my favorite.
Anonymous, at
1:16 PM
My diet Dr. put me on these a few years ago - because they are all natural, low in fat, very nutritious and really satisfy the hunger! My husband and I cook at home almost every night. We enjoy just being together, and cooking together is so much fun!
Unknown, at
1:55 PM
It is excellent idea
neteller casino, at
11:35 AM
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